About me
I began my journey many years ago, and like many, by accident. My mother had suffered from numerous ailments that stymied the medical industry in finding a solution to help her root cause. They certainly provided much needed immediate symptomatic relief, but not the life style advice she needed.
We ended up going to a reflexologist who also did muscle kinesiology. I was just amazed by what the body is more than willing to tell us and show us what is our weakest link. And although I went to support my Mom in her treatment (while having a treatment myself), I didn't realize how poorly I felt until I began to get better! I just thought I was getting older (doesn't that sound familiar for anyone over 30?).
Like peeling away at an onion, the initial health improvement was what I needed to get started. But I also discovered that this was something I could also learn to do to help others and my journey began!
My initial training was through Nature Sunshine (leader in herbal and vitamin supplements) and I concurrently began my studies at the Ohio Academy of Holistic Health and became a certified reflexologist. That however was only the beginning, and the rest can be demonstrated by my list of credentials (go to that tab) and the treatments offered.
I look forward to helping you on your journey back to health!