
Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching Testimonies (from clients from all over the United States as sessions are done remotely via telephone):


WOW!  AWESOME! ENERGIZING! What a difference in every aspect of my life.  Not only is the phone ringing off the hook at our business, which is great, but the change I have experienced within myself is unbelievable.  I'm not sure I have ever felt this comfortable with myself.  You know the saying "feeling comfortable in your own skin".  If I have it's been, it’s so long ago I don't remember.  I find it very ironic that one of my pet peeves was judgmental people, and to find out I was that person towards myself.  I feel like I belong, that I do have a purpose.  Not sure what it is yet, but I know I have one and I'm OK with trying to sort it out.  I have energy again and am interested in my home, life, and our business.  Before this, every morning I had good intentions and knew what needed to be done but never had the drive, ambition or energy to accomplish it.  It's amazing what I can accomplish in a day when I feel so differently about myself and my surroundings.  Also my relationships are showing some improvement.  I guess the bottom line is when you feel better about the place your in, the place your in feels better.  I am looking forward to another therapy session.


What I experiences from my session, in one word "INSIGHT"  to why I do what I do, and that what I'm doing is making a difference because I'm finally on the right path for me. (As long as my clients want the help!) As for family aspect, she nailed my kids on the head and my concerns with them. Our relationship has opened up and we talk more so we have a better understanding of each other. Personally my weight issue has gotten better I have lost body fat and firmed up. Plus my attitude towards food is better but more importantly is I feel much better about myself!! I FEEL GREAT!!!!


The phone session we did has been opening profound doors ever since. The books (suggested reading) were right on and it amazed me when I read things in them that targeted right into what was happening inside me. I think the session ushered in my readiness for a new level to come in.  Pieces that were prepared in me were able to slide into place and be accepted into awareness. It still amazes me how on target the whole session was and how often I have referred back to it. Thanks a lot. I know this is spirit's work even I have no idea how it works.  (New Mexico)


Insight is DEFINITELY the first thing that was HUGE with my Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching session.  You know, sometimes you go through life and wonder why you do all the things that you do. Well, now I know that I am on the track that was meant for me!  Issues that I have been dealing with were put into a better perspective and how to call on my guardian angels to assist and help release those weighing heavy on me.  Weight issues were another thing that was cleared up and why I have been struggling.  VERY INTERESTING and FUN.  I really enjoyed my session and am looking forward to the next one!!


 Wow, what can I say?  I wanted to try the Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching but was a little hesitant.  Now, after having it done and having had a few weeks to ponder over the session, I find myself with some true guidance and direction with my life.  Jane, you gave me confirmation on many things I have often wished for, thought of and believed in.  You gave me many things to think over.


After our session, I hung up the phone and I sat on the couch to dwell on all that was said.  My husband asked me “What I thought?”  I said, “I want to cry.”  I was overwhelmed by the experience.  This was an "ah ha" moment for me.


When you validated some of my personal thoughts, I felt like I was naked for all to see me.  You opened up my eyes in a way that I believe that there is a master plan for me on this earth.  With this new profound information and inner strength I received from this meeting, I now have a more willingness to pursuit my new outlook on life knowing I can make a difference and do what I was meant to do.


I am looking forward to my next session.  It is good to know that I have a source that I can continue to go to when I get "hung-up" in my pursuit of this new endeavor.


Thanks Jane!!


This was one of the best sessions that I have had, since then my life has motivation and drive again. It's all about getting things done and being more organized, so I'm a more efficient person for those around me!!
She even read to me something only I would understand, then I had to explained how that effected my life what that meant to me. Let's just say very impact full session- 45 mins. of WOW! How does she know all this??......  oh ya my Angel's!!


Thank you sooo much for enriching my life!!!!



Energy Medicine to Boost Immune System:


**Real People – Real News in the Energy Healing Field**

Energy medicine has been used for centuries in practices like acupuncture, Reiki, and meridian/chakra balancing. Modern research is now catching up, showing that our body’s energy fields can influence health. I would like to share a testimony I received this week from a client who gave me permission to share this with you.   It has to do with her results when various energy medicine techniques were used to boost her immune system during her treatment at Holistic Paths by Jane.


This client was going to reschedule the appointment she had made at Holistic Paths as she stated she had come down with the flu that had been going around her family.  She stated most of those family members were impacted 6-7 days from this flu.   I offered to do a virtual session with her instead, focusing primarily on the various energy medicine techniques that my 20+ years of training have given me, to see if she could have a different experience than the other family members.   I checked in with her the next day to see how the treatment worked for her, and this is what she shared:



“Oh my gosh!  So much better.  No fever today.  A little nausea but that could be because of the unbalanced gut microbiome.  Energy work is amazing, it never ceases to amaze me!   Thank you!!”