
New Technology to Maximize and Expand Herbal/Vitamin Results


Have you ever found it difficult to decide which nutritional supplements you should be taking or helping your customers make the same decision for themselves? Often times you’re making your best guess based on how you or your customers are feeling or what they think they need. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could ask your or their body what it preferred? With the Compass System you can. 


The Compass System combines the power of dynamic changes in the electrical properties of the skin with ZYTO’s Decision Support Technology software. ZYTO technology measures the fluctuations in the energy patterns of the skin. The primary feedback mechanism is called GSR or Galvanic Skin Response. When you or your customer places their hands on the Compass hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures representative of various alternatives like nutritional supplements. Each stimulus creates a unique GSR response which the ZYTO software measures and analyzes. It’s like asking the body questions about your nutritional products and listening to its answers.


Each response is ranked according to the body’s product preference. Armed with this new information, you and/or your customers will feel more positive about the supplements they are taking.


The NSPCompass is offered at Holistic Paths by Jane.  If you want to see what biomarkers of your body need to be in balance, call 419-303-5379 (cell), or e-mail janeplescher@holisticpathsbyjane.  Or if you want to purchase one for your business, visit the link below.


To purchase an NSPCompass, or read more information go to:  http://www.zytocompass.com/af/link.aspx?a=jplescher