Treatments Offered

Call 419-303-5379 or e-mail me at for treatments. Some can be done over the phone, and some require face-to-face treatments.  Also see the "Session Fees and Options" for more info too and recommended suggestions.

Treatments Offered are:


Reflexology is a science which deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to all the parts of the body. By stimulating these reflexes properly it can help many health problems in a natural way. Reflexology is a hands-on technique to help the body to reduce or eliminate body pain, eliminate body wastes/toxins and helps restore the body functions to better health by bringing balance back to the body. Most common body parts in reflexology are the feet and hands.

Specialized Herbal Consultations

Take the guess work out of what herbs/supplements you need to take. This muscle kinesiology analysis will help you decide what body system is the weakest link and what herbal/vitamin supplements may help support your health. Like the muscians who make up an orchestra, the body systems - digestive, intestinal, circulatory, nervous, immune, respiratory, urinary, glandular and structural - must all work in harmony. When a concern in one body system arises, other systems are affected. Total health requires that all body systems be balanced. These herbal consultations are free when combined with other treatments. The consultation may also be done by e-mail ( or phone (419-303-5379).


In additon to using muscle kinesiology, additioanl technology is available and that is the NSPCompass - Click on:   Have you ever found it difficult to decide which nutritional supplements you should be taking?  Often times you’re making your best guess based on how you're feeling or what you think you need. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could ask their body what it preferred? With the Compass System we do just that. 


The Compass System combines the power of dynamic changes in the electrical properties of the skin with ZYTO’s Decision Support Technology software. ZYTO technology measures the fluctuations in the energy patterns of the skin. The primary feedback mechanism is called GSR or Galvanic Skin Response. When you places your hand on the Compass hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures representative of various alternatives like nutritional supplements. Each stimulus creates a unique GSR response which the ZYTO software measures and analyzes. It’s like asking the body questions about your nutritional products and listening to its answers.


Each response is ranked according to the body’s product preference. Armed with this new information, you will feel more positive about using and herbal supplements and vitamins you purchase.

Reiki Energy Healing Work

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If your "life force energy" is low, then you are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, you are more capable of being happy and healthy. You remain fully clothed for treatment. Many health changes have been reported by clients, when other methods failed. If you haven't tried this technique before, you'll want to add it to your list of tools that you use for healing. Plus, see the Training link as you can also leanr how to do Reiki on yourself.

ION Foot Detox

Revolutionary health therapy system that uses energy and water to increase the natural healing of your body. This helps pull toxins from the body; increases body and cellular energy; increases joint mobility; improves mental acuity; reduces stress; help you feel great!

The Biomat - Quantum Energetic Therapeutics - Available Concurrently with other Treatments

  • Receive infrared and negative ion vibratory signals through a high-tech computer-operated system and amethyst quartz crystals (natures' super conductor).
  • These natural, beneficial light rays and charged ions radiate energy, penetrating each and every cell.
  • This powerful light force increases blood alkalinity and speeds cellular function during a deep state.
  • Proven through Kirlian photography, this energetics penetrates 80x more deeply than normal heat (going 6 to 8 inches into the body).
  • Reduces swelling and inflammation by improving lymph flow.
  • Increases blood flow of the micro-circulatory system.
  • Shown to destroy cancer and viral cells without harming surrounding healthy cells.
  • Stimulates healthy molecular vibration with long-lasting life-sustaining enzyme activity.
  • Removes toxins (Powerful Detoxifier), which are often at the core of many health problems.
  • Alleviates allergies, migraines and sinus issues.
  • Helps lungs, respiratory, skin, digestive and cellular disorders.
  • Rejuvenates the skin.
  • Relieves pain and joint stiffness.
  • Decreases hyperactivity.
  • Burns calories and controls weight.
  • Excellent for accelerated healing
  • Also a distributor for this unique technology.  Call 419-303-5379 to purchase a professional or amethyst mini.

Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching

Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching – Overview: This uses the science of personal energy and the mechanics of consciousness to affect the outcome of your life choices.  You’ll see profound changes take place!  Using known laws of attraction, let me help you shift your awareness in every aspect of your existence, including your career, finances, and relationships.  I’ll help you tap into the path you’re currently on; evaluate if that’s the best for you; move you to the highest path for you, and make that shift into a state of unending possibilities .  Stop repeating the same  patterns over and over when there is another path just a shift of consciousness away!   See your life go from “normal” to “magical” after just one session.  It’s done by phone so it’s available to everyone in the United States.


Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching - (Life Path/Destiny – first session)) – Through Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching, find out what your life path is and what you need to be happy on this earth and what you brought with you in your  “Blueprint”.   Also what you are destined to accomplish while you’re here.  Obtain a Peace of Mind, an “aha” moment, and find clarity and purpose to all that you do.  This is for ALL people (business minded, technical  people, spiritual minded – it’s a holistic approach that helps everyone).   Many people have reported their lives have gone from fair to a magical awareness by finding out this information and stepping into their positive path.


Intuitive Holistic Life Coaching (Issue Resolution/Clarification) - (generally the second session and beyond)– Find clarification and resolution in your mind to whatever issue is present (e.g., relationship, careers, people conflicts, “what  to consider next”, etc.).  Find the Peace of Mind as you work through the current events that you are experiencing.  Find clarity, purpose, and release through this connective intuitive process.   Are you wondering if you’re ready to start that new business?  Do you want to know how to improve your relationship or create a positive relationship?  What’s on your mind right NOW?  Sometimes we’re too close to an issue to work through it without help.  Take away the guesswork and find positive guidance through this intuitive coaching!!

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are our energy centers. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura (electromagnetic field). Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. They are associated with our physical, mental and emotional interactions. This treatment is done free with many of the other treatments offered.

Trigger Point Therapy

There is growing evidence that most of our aches and pains are actually caused by trigger points, or small contraction knots in the muscles of the body. This therapy helps release those knots through a unique muscle testing method.


Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers and other parts of the body to skillfully press key points, which stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. When these trigger points are pressed, they release muscular tension, and promote circulation of blood, and the body's life force energy to aid healing.

Bach Flower Essences

The 38 homeopathic essences represent a more specific, yet complete system of natural healing directed at your personality, mood and emotional outlook. The essences are mixed into your personal formula. Physical ailments are many times affected by an emotional component.